Indigenous Communities: Active for Life


Indigenous Communities: Active For Life

The Indigenous Communities: Active for Life resource and accompanying full-day workshop were created with guidance from Indigenous leaders throughout the country, with the purpose of inspiring community leaders looking for culturally tailored resources that act as a vehicle toward individual and community holistic development.

The resource and workshop supports these individual champions as they embark on a journey to develop sustainable quality sport and physical activity programs, build collaborative relationships, and re-engage their community members into active and healthy lifestyles. 

Upon completion of the workshop, participants will have:

  • Ideas on how to create quality experiences in their sport, physical activity, and recreation programs 
  • An understanding of physical literacy, which is the development of movement skills, confidence, and motivation to be active for life
  • Tools, resources, and action plans to further support their delivery of quality sport and physical activity programs in their community
  • Ideas to support their participants’ physical, mental, spiritual, and cultural needs
  • A certificate of workshop completion and 3 National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) Professional Development (PD) points (if applicable).

For more information about this course, please click here


Learning Facilitators 

If you are interested in becoming a Learning Facilitator in the NWT, please contact our Leadership Development Coordinator:

Beth Hudson





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Established in 1999, ASCNWT was created through a national consensus-building process in response to the need for more accessible and equitable sport and recreation opportunities for Aboriginal peoples across the

The Aboriginal Sports Circle NWT empowers and builds capacity within NWT communities, promotes and supports culturally relevant programming, and develops athletes and coaches in a level of involvement they find meaningful. We focus on developing programs based on community interests, strengths, and desires and strive to help communities build capacity in activities that they find beneficial.